Radiation and other cosmic forces changed their DNA structure to the point where their adaptability and creative options were severely reduced and body chemistry was overly mineralized. This finally caused them to halt their journey across the Cosmos and return to their palce of origin, Earth.
We are now seeing dramatic changes in human DNA through scientific application and environmental change. Had the Aliens, us, waited until now to make the journey their DNA would have been closer to that which was needed for the journey. They are influencing our seciences telapthathically as well as directl intervention as they do research and development of the human SPACE READY DNA..
Now for the lesson! Our technological advances are overwhelmingly amazing. And they will continue exponentially. The danger for us is that we may become so dependent on technology to the point where we leave fewer to almost no problems for ourselves to solve. To erase the irrational is to close the door to the cosmic mysteries. We could condition ourselves out of creativity.
A larger brain does not indicate that one is more creative. The Alien skull does contain a very large brain. Take note just how frail and small its body has become. They now know that the whole body is a brain and that they had unwittingly limited the size and function of the whole brain. Another way of understanding this is to view the nervous system as the extended brain. Input and output takes place all over the body. There are mini-brains throughout the body that act similarly as the central brain that resides in the skull. They send modified and sorted impulses to each other and by various loops and pathways to the central brain. The Hindu teaching regarding the Seven Chakras is an excellent metaphor for these functions. Yoga balances all the mini-brains; keeps them spinning. That keeps the abstract intellectual brain form shutting down all the other brains. Modern life poses this threat. In fact there is scientific data that our skulls are elongating as had the Alien's skulls when they shut down their mini-brains.