The hidden mind, the subconscious, understands and expresses itself in pictures and emotions. It covertly managers and drives much of our conscious action because the conscious mind is a poor multi-t asker. The only way to influence the hidden mind is through emotion and imagery. It operates in default mode unless we use our conscious minds to create favorable emotions and pictures for the hidden mind to use.
The subconscious is perhaps what many refer to as a 'soul'. The soul drawings that you see here are portraits of my subconscious mind at various times in my life. To draw them I went into a state of deep quietude and allowed my hand to begin to draw as if it were automatic writing. Then I posted the drawing as I would a visual mantra and contemplated it. My belief is that the drawings are coded messages from the subconscieous that have produced beneficial changes in my life. While drawing the images I was also sending my messages to the hidden mind. It was a two way conversation using the language of the hidden mind.
During some of the psychic consultations with clients I had seen their souls and made drawings that they used as mantras upon which to contemplate. They reported amazing results.